Seminar Announcement – Dr. Ozgur Aydin

Dr. Ozgur Aydin (JSPS Fellow, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan) will give a seminar on “Elaboration of Spatially Varying Characteristic Properties in Microtubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Combining Experimental and Numerical Techniques” in the Seminar room of the Mechanical Engineering Department (1B11) on February 27, 2017 (Monday) at 10:30 am. The details can be found below.



SOFCs (solid oxide fuel cells) are rather promising for various power generation applications (e.g. residential, stationary, etc.) owing to their relatively high theoretical energy conversion efficiencies at high temperatures (500-1000 ℃), high quality waste heat allowing for various cogeneration processes, fuel flexibility, and low cost materials. While generating power by an SOFC, reactants are consumed and they are simultaneously diluted by the product species, i.e., concentrations of the reactants and products vary over the electrochemical active area along the respective flow fields. The concentration variations lead to longitudinal current and related temperature variations, resulting in degradation of the performance and the structure (e.g., thermal stresses, Redox cycling of nickel, etc.). Spatial investigations of the degradations through varying electrochemical (current, voltage) and physical (temperature, microstructure) properties are of great importance for improving the performance and durability of SOFCs. In this seminar, I am going to present spatial variations of the characteristic properties in microtubular-SOFCs elaborated by experimental and numerical techniques.



Dr. Aydın has been specialized in electrochemical energy conversion by fuel cells. He has recently been selected as a JSPS Fellow (Japan Society for Promotion of Science) for carrying out his research in Direct Internal Reforming SOFCs at Kyushu University, Japan, upon earning his PhD degree in Hydrogen Energy Systems at the same university. He obtained his master degree in 2013 in Energy Science and Technology co-organized by Ulm University and ZSW (Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg) in Germany, after conducting his master thesis on PEMFCs (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells) in Division of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology at Fraunhofer ISE in Germany. He received his bachelor degree in 2011 with honors in Mechanical Engineering at Seljuk University in Turkey. Dr. Aydın has been an active contributor to both SOFC and PEMFC scientific communities through a number of journal and conference papers since his master study. He is honored of being a former recipient of MEXT scholarship for his PhD study in Japan, and TEV/DAAD scholarship for his master study in Germany.


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