Dr. Colpan has received Middle East Technical University (METU) Mustafa Parlar Foundation’s Research Encouragement Award for 2019. For the list of award recipients: http://parlar.org.tr/2019-yili-odulleri/

Dr. Colpan has received Middle East Technical University (METU) Mustafa Parlar Foundation’s Research Encouragement Award for 2019. For the list of award recipients: http://parlar.org.tr/2019-yili-odulleri/
The 6th Summer School of the Turkic States was organized in the Türkistan Province of Kazakhstan between August 18-25, 2024, in cooperation […]
Dr. Farshid Zabihian from the West Virginia University Institute of Technology (Montgomery, WV, USA) visited Dokuz Eylul University through the TUBITAK 2221 […]
Dr. Colpan attended the second TUBITAK-CONACYT Workshop in Mexico City, Mexico between June 11-12, 2015. Turkish and Mexican researchers made presentations on […]
Congratulations to Adnan Ozden (a recent graduate of DEU Mechanical Eng. Dpt.) for being accepted to the M.A.Sc. program in Mechanical and […]