Visiting Scholars and Post-doctoral Reseachers

Some of the visiting scholars and post-doctoral researchers who visited Dokuz Eylul University.


Post-doctoral Researcher(s)

 Name Institute/Organization Dates  Source of Funding (if any) Purpose of the Visit
 David Ouellette Dr. David Ouellette PhD from Carleton university (Ottawa, ON, Canada)

Post-doctoral researcher at Dokuz Eylul University

January 25, 2016-January 25, 2017 Tubitak 2216 To conduct research on the development of flowing electrolyte direct methanol fuel cells as a post-doctoral fellow.



Visiting Scholars

 Name Institute/Organization Dates  Source of Funding (if any) Purpose of the Visit
 Akihiro Kushima Dr. Akihiro Kushima Massachusetts Institute of Technology

(Cambridge, MA, USA)

April 4, 2016-April 18, 2016 TUBITAK 2221 To discuss potential project collaborations, give a seminar in his research activities.
Farshid Zabihian Dr. Farshid Zabihian

(Assistant Professor)

West Virginia University Institute of Technology

(Montgomery, WV, USA)

December 6, 2015 -January 7, 2016

(1 Month)

TUBITAK 2221  To discuss potential project collaborations, give a seminar in his research activities, and to attend some conferences in Turkey.
 Ebrahim Poulad Dr. Ebrahim Poulad


Ryerson University

(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

August-October, 2015

(3 Months)

Mitacs Globalink To conduct research on modeling of integrated energy systems and give a seminar on his previous research activities